How I made $35,718 Through Social Media

Learn to create an automatic lead generating machine with

social media and monetize your passion today.

"Closed an indian client INR 70,000 which is $850.

Soon it will be $5000" - Mansi

"His AB testing strategies for dropshipping websites are insane! My website hit Rs 25M!!" - Priyansh

I went from 0 - 3 offers in 3 weeks! this

is insane guys - Abel

Rated 4.9/5 by 1600+ Students

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Disclaimer: The Service Provider's Mentorship program and all services provided is intended to provide mentorship as well as offer psychological support and encouragement to the User. The program is designed to enhance the Users skills and promote their success in this area. It is important to note, however, that the information and guidance provided by the Service Provider should not be considered professional, legal, medical, or financial advice. The User acknowledges that they are solely responsible for making their own decisions and should seek the advice of qualified professionals as necessary. The Service Provider assumes no liability for any actions taken by the User based on the information or advice provided in the mentorship program. For more information on our disclaimer please visit
Terms And Conditions

Why We're The Best

We teach you exactly what we do. Our team of experts are some of the best in the game!

No Risk

If you joined and did everything we told you to, and got no results, you get a 30 day refund, no questions asked.

1600+ Students

Students from all around the world are taking action and changing their life.

Ranked Top 50

Our skool community is ranked top 50 on the leaderboard, making us one of the most engaging communities.

What's Inside?

This is exactly what courses we have at the moment. All our courses are ranked.

When you join, you need to level up and unlock them.

level 0

Rewire Your Subconscious - Success Mindset

I have spent years creating a formula to make anyone the best version of themselves. Copy paste this formula for yourself.

8 Modules

  • Who would you rather trust?

  • The why question

  • Become the best version of yourself

  • How your mind really works

  • Side effects

  • Subconscious Reprogramming

  • The Proof

  • 21 day mindset challenge

level 2

Advanced Sales Course

This sales system has helped me close $200k in

high ticket social media services and contracting. This course will help you close any deal!

3 Modules

  • Why Everyone Fails

  • The Complete Framework

  • Advances Sales Guide (Detailed)

level 3

Complete Freelance Course

This sales system has helped me close $200k in high ticket social media services and contracting. This course will help you close any deal!

3 Modules

  • Get A Quick Win

  • Freelance 101

  • Setting Expectations

More Modules

⚪️ Legal Stuff

⚪️ Start To Finish Roadmap

⚪️ How To Win In A Saturated Market

⚪️ Discovering Your Strengths

⚪️ Finding A High Ticket Niche

⚪️ Offer A High Ticket Service

⚪️ Sell First

⚪️ The 4 Laws To Getting Clients

⚪️ Social Media Lead Generation

⚪️ Get 800+ Leads Per Month For Free On Autopilot

⚪️ How To Price

⚪️ Secret Software Tool

⚪️ Access My Contracts

⚪️ Accepting Payments Securely

⚪️ Service Delivery

⚪️ A New Passive Income Model

⚪️ My $500/m Service Delivery System

level 2

Advanced Sales Course

This sales system has helped me close $200k in high ticket social media services and contracting. This course will help you close any deal!

3 Modules

  • Why Everyone Fails

  • The Complete Framework

  • Advances Sales Guide (Detailed)

level 2

Advanced Sales Course

This sales system has helped me close $200k in

high ticket social media services and contracting. This course will help you close any deal!

3 Modules

  • Why Everyone Fails

  • The Complete Framework

  • Advances Sales Guide (Detailed)

level 3

Complete Freelance Course

This sales system has helped me close $200k in high ticket social media services and contracting. This course will help you close any deal!

3 Modules

  • Roadmap

  • Setting Expectations

  • What to offer?

More Modules

⚪️ Secret Software Tools

⚪️ How To Win In A Saturated Market

⚪️ Finding A High Ticket Niche


⚪️ Getting Results For Your Clients

⚪️ Legal Stuff

⚪️ My Hybrid Model

⚪️ Contracts

⚪️ Accepting Payments Securely

⚪️ How To Get Testimonials Quickly

"His AB testing strategies for dropshipping websites are insane! My website hit Rs 25M!!"

"Closed an indian client INR 70,000 which is $850. Soon it will be $5000. Thank you so much for coming into my life as a mentor.

" went from 0 - 3 offers in 3 weeks! this is insane guys"